A couple of nights ago I tried to image C33, the East Veil nebula, here is its visibility:

I know that targets very high in the sky and/or close to the meridian are problematic to track with an Alt/Az mount like the S50 (which is why we keep asking for an Equatorial feature, but ZWO doesn't seem to be interested in that).
Anyway, the SeeStar app will not even go to a target higher than 85 degrees, which is fine, but there is nothing preventing or warning me about targets close to the meridian, when filed rotation is highest. So the S50 goes to C33 no problem, identifies the star field without issues, then it gets stuck in Enhancing mode at 00:00:00 forever, failing to stack even a couple of images. For hours, it is worse than watching paint dry. Basically, from 20PM to 22PM (C33 peaks and crosses the meridian at 21PM) enhancing does not work at all. I had to wait until past midnight to be able to image the target, and then I fell asleep phone in hand because no scheduling feature of course.
My question to ZWO is this - is the behavior normal and to be expected (then why even enter enhancing mode if it is not going to work anyway) or just yet another bug. I cannot be completely sure but I do not remember encountering this issue before the latest software/firmware update and I have done targets very high in the sky before. From my point of view this has been a major step backwards, there have been a few nice cosmetic features but many basic functions are working now worse than they did in the past. And of course, there is no way to revert to earlier firmware.
I am still impressed by the S50 hardware and do not regret getting it 10 months ago but the SeeStar app, I could live without. Right now I am looking forward more to the Dwarf 3, which I ordered and should arrive by Christmas, rather than an improved SeeStar app or an S50 Pro or whatever ZWO might or might not come up with. After waiting for 10 months for any type of meaningful improvement, I am starting to lose interest in the S50. I think ZWO is falling behind big time in what will become a very competitive market.