Currently, the tilt viewer is only available in ASIFitsView of the ASIStudio collection. It would be quite useful if:
(1) the tilt estimation is also made available in ASICap.
This would allow instrumentation and camera tilts to be adjusted in real time, like in KStars.
(2) include three-point tilts estimation.
The tilt display in ASIFitsViewer shows what the tilt in 4 corners of a trapezoid. This is not that useful when your instrumentation's tilt adjustment is a three point one, like on ZWO cameras. Take a look at ASTAP tilt estimation, where it has both an 8-point tilt display for adjusting 4-point tilters, and a three pointed tilt display for adjusting three-pointed tilters.
ASTAP also allows the rotation angle of the three-pointed display to be defined by the user.