Hello everyone,
I have encountered recently problems with the numerotation and datation of images for some Autorun sequences. The problem is not systematic, but I noticed it at least 5 times in the past months.
Here is an example :
Exposure time is 60s, so getting pose number 12 just 1s after pose number 10 is physically impossible...
So, the time written in the name if erroneous.
Problem is that the "DATE-OBS" in the FITS images are also a bit strange :
Pose 09 : 22:54:12
Pose 10 : 22:55:13
Pose 11 : 22:56:26
Pose 12 : 22:57:27
Pose 13 : 22:56:19
Pose 14 : 22:57:20
Pose 15 : 22:58:20
If it can help, I enclose the corresponding log file.
For deep sky Object, this is not so serious, but for comets the datation is very important during the cometary compositage...
Thank you for any comment/solutions to this problem.