support "Bluetooth interferes with 2.4Ghz WiFi signals,"
With all due respect, this is nonsense. Bluetooth operates at a small fraction of the power level of Wifi, and will never cause wifi to not function. Wifi networks work at 15-100mW and most bluetooth devices at 1-10mW.
The biggest interference for 2.4Ghz Wifi is other 2.4Ghz wifi. The band is pretty much saturated in urban areas.
5Ghz is usually preferred because there's more available bandwidth and because the signal doesn't extend as far through walls so while there are more 5Ghz networks out there, they don't cause as much interference to/from neighbors, but this also means it can be less desirable if your Seestar is setup outside your house. 2.4Ghz has more range, but suffers from more noise. 5Ghz has less noise, and less range.
FWIW, with the 2.2 firmware I have not had any issues with station mode on 5Ghz and I do run my Seestar about 50 ft from the wifi router, outside my house.