Running an ASIAIR PRO with and AP400GTO mount. ASI 120 mini guiding camera. Nikon D5300 DSLR. ZWO EAF. WO FLT 98 lens. USB key for picture recording.
Control from either an IPAD with the V. 2.2 soft or from a S6 tab with the v.1.7 soft. With the right firmwares.
WIFI connection with an Opal router.
Power suply with a 30 AH Lifepo battery.
As we had a very bad weather here, I had not used my set up for a year, and I tried again two nights ago.
I got some strange behaviour, so I checked my set up the day later.
Note: All strange things happen with both the control I use; Ipad or Samsung S6. and the different soft versions.
Many exposure failures.
Not only a simple "exposurez failure", but sometimes it happens that the trigger button has no effect. I have to change the exposure time to get it work again...
I checked all my cable, connections, usb and memoy card format..
Nothing clear there. I ordered a new Nikon cable just in case..
My power suply seems to be ok...
Erratic saving preview files.
The files are saved sometimes in the right USB key, and some others in the galeries of the Ipad or the Samsung tablet, wich is not the right process at all. 🙁.
I checked the permissions of the ASIAR soft on my two tablets, and I found that in both cases, the soft had permission to access to the pictures galeries of the IPAD or the S6. Perhaps the reason of what I get? I changed that but unfortunately could not checked again my set up at this time.
I guess that the wrong preview files saving is the first thing to fix, as this can mean that there is a bad soft connexion between the ASIAR soft (on the tablet or Ipad) and the ASIAIR box itself.
So, I'll apreciate any idea about thoose strange things, and expecially about the permissions we have to give or not to the ASIAIR soft,
Thanks for your help