I'm aware of these concerns. However, if you make the necessary back focus spacing adjustments (The Askar back focus adjuster is amazing here, although I haven't figured out how to use it with filters due to space limitations and no internal threading for M48, so I have to manually add spacers), then there are no issues with star distortion at the corners of the frame with quality lenses (the sigma ART series). However, the ASIAir will solve with lenses as wide as 28mm (35mm when used on an asi2600) it just really overloads the processor to try and solve an image with such a high star count. For example the ASIAir Plus seems to be able to do it, but not the mini. To me this points to a processor problem due to the star count. Shortening the exposure time reduces the star count to brighter stars that still easily get above the read noise. I usually stop all my ART lenses down to 2.8 for use on zwo cooled cameras. A large aperture telescope works find with the current settings because few are using FL shorter than 200mm and there are fewer stars in the frame. I have no issues with the current settings with a 200mm f2, but plate solving takes a long time with a 105mm at f2. It doesn't seem like a hard setting to add and it would help reduce star counts for plate solving.