I am having a couple of problems with this configuration at a remote site. I have the The EFW and the ASI174 connected to the rear USB ports on the ASI461. I can see the EFW and the ASI174 cameras in NINA and in the USBviewer but the ASI461 is not there. I am trying to figure out what is wrong so the site guys can correct it. I suspect that the +12V to the ASI461 is disconnected. The camera USB and power are supplied by a Pegasus PPBVA. I see the current peak at 0.7 amps when I switch the power on but there is a Thirdlynx also connected to the PPVA. So I guess my question is do the ports on the ASI461 still function when the 12V is missing? Since I can see the EFW and ASI174 I think I know the USB cable connection is good.
My second question is on the focus position for the ASI 174 Guide camera. I slid the camera all the way in to the OAG but the stars are way out of focus.