I have a couple of S50s, and got my S30 about 2 weeks ago. I haven't had a whole lot of clear sky to run it (2 nights before tonight). The autofocus on it simply doesn't work. I can manually focus at least somewhat close, then click the autofocus, and watch it get really close to in focus and then it takes it way out of focus when it stops. At that point, the focus number (step number?) where it it was near focus before isn't near focus anymore. Example: I got near focus tonight at 1629. I hit the autofocus button, and it made the focus even better and switched it so out of focus that none of the stars can be seen at all. I then manually found a new near focus point at 1420.
My assumption here is that the focuser is skipping steps, slipping somehow, or something is wrong with the counter. I've never had anything like this happen with either of my S50s. After this happened once, I ran the focus to both extremes and then back in the middle. It still doesn't autofocus. Repeating it again (autofocus button, followed by stars so big they don't even show up), and the near focus point shifted to 1510. How would I go about diagnosing this?