SkyAtlas has no concept of date and time, what you see is how the sky looks like at the present moment. I assume the plan stores targets in RA/Dec coordinates to be used at a particular time of the night, it could be tonight, tomorrow night or any other night. Every night the actual Alt/Az coordinates will change by about one degree, so a plan made for tonight will most likely work for the next few nights. Will it still work in a month? Maybe. Will it work in 6 months? Definitely not.
It is your responsibility to make sure that the targets you selected are actually visible for the location, time and date you intend to run the plan. Stellarium is your best friend.
Is it ideal? Not really. Is it better than what we had until now, yes, 1000x so, and I cannot wait for the next clear night to test this new feature and have the S50 take images while I sleep. I tend to complain a lot here, but if this actually works I will be really happy.