Dear ZWO,
I just spent my first clear night with the new CAA and I feel the urgent need to give you immediate feedback. The CAA works great, but the software needs some very quick adjustmends. Otherwise the CAA is not giving more comfort, but more work.
Please give us more control over it in the Software! I noticed that the CAA is being rotated 180° after meridian flip. Simply: Why? It is not neccessary. 0°=180° // 90° = 270° etc. in post processing. Due to the CAA rotating 180° after the flip I am now forced to take double flat for one object AND I have no way in Pixinsight to assign a specific set of flats to a specific set of lights in one session. Give us the choice if we want the CAA to be rotated after flip.
Also give us the choice if we want the Rotation to happen when using the skyatlas to goto to an object or not. Sometimes I just want the scope to be poining to a specific region in the sky, but not swap cam angle just yet. As of now I need to closely watch AsiAir and abort the process.
Please incorporate rotation in the file name!! This is so important!
Lastly: Please give us the choice to limit rotation or define equivivalents like 0°=180° // 90° = 270°.
A 90° turn left and right is enough to cover all possible object framings.
I wish I could bring the CAA manually into a specific position and then define that as "home" or 0. From that defined home position I want it to rotate either 90° left or 90° right. Otherwise I will possibly snatch my cables, hit other equipment and so on.
I feel like I need these features to really make use of the CAA. Otherwise I might uninstall it from my optical train and just go back to regular manual rotation.