Hi all,

I'm attempting to control my zwoasi 178MM with a raspberry pi 4 with no luck. I've downloaded both the zwoasi repo (both from Github and Pypi to see if one was bugged) as well as the required SDK, however when I attempt to execute the zwoasi_demo.py I receive 'The filename of the SDK library is required (or set ZWO_ASI_LIB environment variable with the filename)', so presumably it's not finding the library. I've attempted moving the demo script into the same directory as the libASICamera2.so (I'm assuming this is what it's looking for?), but all of my attempts have prompted the same output.

If anyone is able to provide a step by step method for executing the zwoasi_demo.py script that would be incredibly helpful! It's possible that I'm missing something completely obvious... Thanks in advance.

3 months later


Can you post how you solved the whereabouts of zwo asi import? I am obviously more of newbie than you thought you were.


6 months later

I guess ZWO could give you all the useful informations.


2 years later

I am new here. I try to get my camera working with python. But running asicap_main
.py, it does not find the zwoasi.py module. Where do I get it from? I don't find it on GitHub either.

    2 months later
    8 months later

    We have the ASI1600MM and the ASI6200MM and were looking for a Python SDK to test some still capture functions out from an existing Python program. Could you please provide us with the demo for the Python SDK?

    • Zzzz replied to this.
      6 days later
      2 months later

      For future reference:
      The zwoasi-python library is great. The part that confused me is that the ASICamera2.dll library file to initiate it is located in ...\Program Files\ASIStudio\ASICamera2.dll and not in the Program Files (x86)\ZWO Design\ZWO_USB_Cameras_driver\driver folder.

      Almost all examples are for Linux or Mac.

      On my Windows computer, this works:

      import zwoasi as asi
      import os
      asi.init(r"C:\Program Files\ASIStudio\ASICamera2.dll")
      num_cameras = asi.get_num_cameras()

      5 days later

      I am not able to trigger the camera as I would expect. I am using an Arduino Nano board to send a trigger signal (5V) to my ZWO ASI6200MM Pro.

      Obtaining images in camera mode 0 is not problem.

      The camera does not trigger. I can't even get it to trigger when sending a soft trigger:

      This does not work with a (verified) 5V trigger from the Arduino.

      filename = "image_mono16_triggered.tiff"
      print("Ready for triggered image")
      print("Triggered image acquisition")

      and even this does not result in an image:

      filename = "image_mono16_triggered.tiff"
      print("Ready for triggered image")
      print("Triggered image acquisition")

      • Zzzz replied to this.
        2 months later

        Zzzz Thank you for your reply. I can confirm that the used camera sensor (ZWO ASI6200MM Pro) is a trigger camera.
        The output from theget_camera_propertyfunction confirms this.

        My problem is not yet solved. Sending a 5V trigger does not trigger the camera. The trigger is confirmed with 2 different oscilloscopes.

        @janalexand You can refer to this documentation to check that the camera is being used correctly.


        Looking forward to your reply!

        a month later

        I have found a way to make this work by starting a second thread where the camera is monitored and a frame is read, independent from the thread where the trigger is sent.

        This works, but only a single time.
        If the camera is started again after being closed camera.close(), the SDK causes the computer to crash when started again...

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