@tech@zwo#48604 many thanks, looking forward to it 👍


Sorry if slightly off-topic but I saw my camera is also supported in gphoto. Any chance we can get support for the Olympus OM-D E-M5 mk2 too?


    We only add Nikon and Canon for the moment. Of course more cameras like Olympus and Sony will be added in the future.

    6 days later

    @tech@zwo#48604 hi, any update on when test will be ready please?

      Can’t wait to see my Z6-2 working on the Asiair ! 😃 Hopefully we can test it very soon !

        Lain402 have you tried your Z6 ii with the test app yet? Mine connects ok but if I start preview or focus as soon as it starts to shoot frames the Nikon goes into connected to PC mode and can’t do anything to camera until I disconnect the camera then camera settings and monitor screen are available again

          les_b haven’t test it yet, I’m gonna try it tonight

          les_b I’ve try the test version and the least I can say is that it’s very very …laggy and buggy :

          1) My Nikon z6II is correctly recognized by the Asiair Pro. I’ve just plugged the camera using the usb c cable provided by Nikon.

          2) All the modes ( PA, prev, focus, plan…) seems to work just fine except that when I click on the shutter button in the app it takes ages ( 15 seconds) for the camera to react, then only it start capturing the image. It’s takes about 40 seconds between the moment I click on the button and when the image appears on the screen, no matter the USB port I plug the camera.

          3) The camera got disconnected many times with “ camera error” meanwhile my EAF focuser (new 5v version) also get disconnected showing another “ error” message. This happened 10 times in less than 5 minutes. It never happened with the 1.6v especially with the EAF which has been very stable until now.

          4) the Asiair doesn’t display the input voltage as it should ( showing NA ) but I’m very confident my power device provides more than 12v and enough amps. Again: wasn’t a problem with v1.6.

          5) The images are correctly saved on the SD card, didn’t notice any loss of images.

          Right now this test version is completely unusable to be used on the field, at least for me : the camera react sooo slowly and the connection is too unstable, it won’t last 10 mins without crashing.

          I may be wrong but I feel that the problem is more in the PRO firmware that on the phone app: the app react pretty quickly before it have to interact with the box.

          I’ve tried disconnecting all the other devices : focuser, mount, guide cam, wifi router … just keeping the Nikon z6-2 connected to the PRO : still very very ( very) slow to react and shows errors very often.

            Lain402 hi, I totally agree with your analysis although I don’t have a EAF, everything is fine upto clicking the shutter release in the app before then the app is nice and quick and you can change the ISO and it immediately changes in the camera display but once the camera starts to take shots the camera display changes to PC and you can’t do anything or see anything in the camera rear monitor until you either turn the camera off and on again or disconnect and reconnect in the app, is that the same for you? Hopefully ZWO will address these issues soon!

              les_b It’s normal that you can’t control the camera from the rear screen once you press on the shutter button on the app. When the camera is connected to the Asiair and it’s shooting images you can not manually use the camera anymore. The camera’s screen is turned off and doesn’t display anything, same on the little oled screen on the top, it only displays the camera battery level and PC. It’s the same with all the DSLR camera I used before on the red box, no worries about that, it’s perfectly normal.

              My problem is the firmware of the test version that was extremely slow and was disconnecting my other zwo devices every 1-2 minutes. I ended up having to downgrade to v1.6 since it was completely unusable. I’ll wait until the final version, hopefully @tech@zwo#48966 they’ll correct all those bugs !

                Lain402 hi, thanks for letting me know that the camera behaviour is normal although I would have expected control to be released once you had finished shooting, hopefully improvements will follow soon👍

                6 days later


                Lain402 hi,

                how are you finding it now after the recent updates? I still think it is really slow taking shots with a big delay still before it even takes a shot

                  les_b I’m still waiting until they’ll release the final version of this new firmware. Wasn’t funny having to spend 2 hours downgrading to 1.6. Hopefully the final ver will be more reliable ! @tech@zwo

                    Lain402 probably the best thing to do, I never had a version that my Nikon worked with so I’m stuck with this, doesn’t seem any different than the first beta though!

                      les_b I can imagine how frustrating it is to have to wait, only relying on a unfinished beta version. I still have my Nikon D500, they never tested it with the Asiair but it work flawlessly for 2 years now. I’ll use my z6-2 with the Asiair if it’s possible, if not I still can use it unguided with a wide field lens (105 mm f1.4) on my skywatcher eq6 R :

                      6 days later

                      This morning I’ve finally updated to 1.78.48 version, which is supposed to be a stable version, not a beta/test one.

                      The latency problem that affects the Nikon Z6-2 wasn’t fixed at all: when you press the shutter button in app, you still have to wait 12 seconds (Yes,I’ve counted !) until the camera react and take the actual image, no matter the actual exposure length.

                      This mean you will spend far more time when focusing, PA, previewing on the field.
                      Taking a 10 seconds long exposure require around half a minute to complete : 12sec no reacting + 10sec exposure + 7sec loading image ! Can’t imagine having to PA in theses conditions. I don’t even mention the latency of the app when the camera is connected. Switching from say “Preview” mode to “Focus” mode will cost you another 12 sec ! Nothing will happen during this time. The weak wifi issue was already infuriating but now…

                      You can feel that the connection between the ASIAIR and the Z6-2 is not fluid and stable (Can’t say about Z7-2). Camera settings in app takes an eternity to load , Main camera Settings menu froze every time you enter it … But still lightning (lightning!) fast when connected to my old Nikon D500 ( they’ve never tested this camera officially but it works perfectly with the ASIAIR ).

                      To be honest, I’m quite disappointed with this update we were waiting for months. I’ve ordered the Asiair PLUS few days ago (better waisting my money on something else next time), but I’m really thinking about moving to something more reliable, more pro, so I can keep the ASIAIR for my iOptron Skyguider and/or observing sessions only. It’s not surprising many astro-guys (Aka “zwo advertisers”) we see on YouTube still use laptops in real life ! :´D

                      Sorry for my (apparent) negativity, hopefully they’ll fix this before the new moon. (keep dreaming !! )

                      I’m checking this forum everyday ( I’m not the only one) waiting for someone from zwo to react to our posts about the Nikon Z6-2. I’ve wrote a detailed feedback about how the AAP behaves when connected to the Nikon Z6-2… no reaction :-/

                      This is my order on 淘宝 for the new Asiair PLUS, now I see the PRO is not really supporting my camera could you tell me if the PLUS will ? If not I don’t need another red box to gather dust on a top shelf somewhere !

                        Lain402 I’m surprised you haven’t had a response yet but not surprised at your comments as I have pretty much said the same on the beta feedback, as it stands at the moment the ASIAIR pro is pretty useless to me as I’m not prepared to write off my Nikon just because ZWO can’t produce something workable and I can’t believe the latest version got out of beta, just wish ZWO would do something about this quickly!!!!

                        @tech@zwo#47812 are you listening to the feedback here and on the beta feedback?