OK, we are getting somewhere...
I just tried (UTC time about 2130) Plate Solving Alpheratz and performing a Sync and GoTo, and it was still performing properly.
I then changed my iPad's time Zone to London, rebooted ASIAIR, connected to my simulator, and forced the Longitude in the Phone Info part of Telescope Settings to 0 degrees West, and synced the location info to the mount.
Tried a GOTO to Alpheratz; and got a below horizon, which is correct.. Pegasus has already set in London. I then did a GOTO to Castor, and ASIAIR sent a successful GOTO command to my virtual mount.
The plate solve with the mount simulator's display showing Castor and surround stars also worked. The twins are above the London skies.
But, when I now do a Sync and GoTo, it gave me the "below horizon error!" Keep in mind that ASIAIR had executed a direct GOTO to Castor fine, and also plate solved to a correct coordinate. So this is "our" bug.
I had earlier tried changing just time zones without changing the Longitude of the mount, and that did not cause an error (went to New York, Tokyo and London -- faster than a supersonic jet :-).
So, I am more convinced now that the failure has something to do with Local Sidereal Time, which involves both UTC and Longitude.
Instead of waiting for the time of failure to arrive, I simply moved to the time of failure (it's all relative, right? :-).
I have some chores to do now. But now that I've established that the error can be caused by changing Longitude instead of time, I can continue this experiment after dinner, instead of constantly monitoring and waiting all afternoon and evening for the time the Sync and GoTo to fail. I can simply change time and longitude by one time zone at a time.