StarBrowser it wasn't clear what the app switch was suppose to do.
There are many uses for that switch.
When you are doing a manual Meridian Flip, you can pause tracking as the object gets close to the Meridian. Then wait for the object to transit the Meridian, and then issue a GOTO to the same object (a German mount will then execute a Meridian Flip.
Depending on the design, an alt-az mount, for example a fork mount, may not need to do a Meridian flip, but there are uses of that switch. For example if you want to focus in the daytime on a far away tower or tree. You don't want tracking to be on.
Did the APP provide some sort of tracking input to the scope?
If APP means the ASIAIR, then no, the ASIAIR does not do any computation related to tracking. The mount does all that complex stuff. The ASIAIR merely asks the mount to track at the appropriate rate (Sidereal, Solar, Lunar or King rate).
especially given there isn't a guide scope
Guide scope has nothing to do with tracking. Autoguiding is a process of using a guide star (or multiple guide stars) to correct for any tracking errors that are caused by imprecise tracking speed, gears that are imperfect, mount not polar aligned, etc).