mrflib Unfortunately, they're all quite a bit longer than I need so I don't really know about cable management. Any tips on this?
You should be able to find USB cables of various lengths at Amazon. The power runs are not a problem since you can just cut to what you need and assemble the ends.
By the way, for major runs, I use PowerPoles and only reduce to the 5.5mm/2.1mm when it is needed at the devices.
Prettiness is not a problem, the electrons won't know any difference. But length definitely is. Use the shortest cable that you can find.
And be sure to strain relief the ends. Do not allow the connect jacks to be the ones securing the ends of the cable. Velcro or cable tie the cable ends to some solid anchor and only then plug them the jacks. Here is an example of what I did:
You can actually see a dab of Gorilla glue seeping out of the end of the power connector. I had to ream out the original holes so that the connector would take a 18 AWG twisted pair. The glue both fills up any void to help reduce any moisture.
A few months ago I had 3D print some camera rings to hold the cables instead of using velcro and this is what they look like. Pavle told me to he might be offering them for the public (he had in the past done a number of custom things for me, like focusing rings for a Sigma 135ART lens), but since you have a printer, you can fashion your own:
Good luck.