NINA software just had a plug-in released for it called Three Point Polar Alignment written by Stefan Berg that can do polar alignment without even needing to have visibility of a pole star (Polaris, Sigma Octantis). If this can be looked at to possibly include at some point, it could be a game changer for some people.

    It's a game changer for me. Now I connect my laptop to do polar alignment with NINA, and continue with ASIAir app. Please add this feature.

    Improve101 Three Point Polar Alignment written by Stefan Berg

    Any chance we can contact this guy for more info or details about this feature?

    11 days later

    I use it and can confirm it works great. I checked it with phd2 drift alignment and it was spot on while just choosing a random spot in the sky.

    a month later

    @tech@zwo Looks like a mighty clever solution to PA, especially as I image from a forest lol.

    The latest version is even better. Instead of specifying coordinates of 3 points, you can set it to start at current direction of the telescope.

    23 days later

    Hi , @tech@zwo , have you guys put the "3-point polar alignment routine" into ASIAIR (Pro)? It seems that the original polar alignment in ASIAIR (Pro) is very similar to the "3-point polar alignment routine", so there should be no technical issue implementing it into ASIAIR platform. Freeing us from pointing the scope to within 30 degrees of celestial north pole will change our lives!

      Hi, have you guys put the "3-point polar alignment routine" into ASIAIR (Pro)? It seems that the original polar alignment in ASIAIR (Pro) is very similar to the "3-point polar alignment routine", so there should be no technical issue implementing it into ASIAIR platform. Freeing us from pointing the scope to within 30 degrees of celestial north pole will change our lives!

      @tech@zwo#50827 , thanks! It's very important for us. It's also a game changer!

      5 days later


      This will be game changer for all your Users...

      Thank You!

      9 days later

      @tech@zwo#50827 Wow, so is ZWO literally looking at how free open source software does something to include it in their own paid product?

      WalterT Hi Walter. No, one cannot use the source code "however you want." That is factually incorrect and irresponsible to say. The MPL 2.0 license does place stipulations on the use and distribution of the source code and the products and derivatives created from it. ZWO and any user of products derived from this source code must honor this license; no one is absolved from doing so unless the copyright holder(s) grant specific permissions.

      That said, I hope that ZWO compensates Stefan for his efforts if they choose to incorporate the logic into their commercial product and benefit from it.

        daleg I hope that ZWO compensates Stefan for his efforts if they choose to incorporate the logic into their commercial product and benefit from it.

        We've found and studied this interesting feature just like anyone else, and I said we are doing assessment about it, so it is not even at the action stage, if you think there will be some legal issues involved, welcome to comment on it.

        @tech@zwo#51256 , could you please speed up the evaluation process? It's really important for all of us ASIAIR users. At least, please provide some ways to do polar align with any piece of the sky; accuracy may be not as good, but at least we can proceed.


        I was naively hoping this would be part of 1.8 beta as experimental feature, unfortunately nothing in the release notes on TestFlight.