p099gll Not being able to move the mount to a park position is one of the biggest drawbacks when moving back from N.I.N.A to ASIAIR.
I have a favorite tree (barring a large PNW earthquake with be at the same Alt-Az coordinate) that I use to do initial focus in daytime with, and ASIAIR is not able to get me directly there.
However, there are some tricks that you can use. Just park your mount one day and look at its RA and declinaton values, together with the local sidereal time (LST).
Recall that your mount's Hour Angle (HA, the angle the OTA makes relative to the Meridian) is related to the sky's RA with:
HA = LST - RA.
Given that initial RA, you can then compute the HA of your mount for that particular park position. Declination is declination, and don't change with time, unlike RA.
Note down this HA value. And the original declination value.
The next time you want to park your scope (e.g., remotely), compute what the RA needs to be at the time (LST) that you want to park it, using the HA that you had noted down. Then go to that computed RA and the original declination (which does not change from day to day, neither is the HA of the mount), and perform a GOTO.