I have the Mount app1.3 on my phone, and I'm running NINA on a Windows 11 Mini PC.
Neither versions 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 of the firmware extend tracking 60 min after the meridian.
Here are my issues:
1) If I don't include meridian flip instruction in the NINA sequence, the mount stops tracking 2-3 minutes after the meridian with either version of the beta firmware. So the feature I was looking for the most does not work, unless there are additional steps I'm not aware of.
2) When I do include a meridian flip instruction in the sequence, the mount does the meridian flip. However it stops tracking, and I cannot restart it using either NINA or "ASI Mount ASCOM Server". In the ASI Server, when I try to tick the "tracking" checkbox, the light turns on for a fraction of a second, then goes back to gray. The workaround to restore tracking is to "Go Home" then "slew and center" the target again (with telescope flipped due to meridian).
Please provide any tips!

Update, a day later
I've set up the meridian flip to happen between 0 and 2 minutes after the target crosses the meridian. This was based on observing the night before that my mount STILL stops tracking 2-3 minutes after the meridian.
I've had two targets in my sequence.
First target performed the meridian flip perfectly at 21:25, while I was awake. I was happy I was at least able to work with the 2 minute limit. My exposures are limited to 2 minutes because of this :-(
Second target in the sequence crossed the meridian at 4:04, while I was asleep. The scope never performed the meridian flip on this target. In the morning I found the scope pointing straight up, all images after the meridian had star streaks, and the PHD2 guiding was beeping continuously due to not finding a star.
So my suspicion is that 2 minutes after the meridian, the firmware stops the mount. If the meridian flip is not performed before then (a very narrow window), the tracking can never be restored unless going back to Home position. Besides the stop at 2 minutes instead of 60, this tracking issue needs to be investigated/fixed.
Given the current mount stop, 2 minutes after the meridian, if I set up my meridian flip 15 minutes after the meridian, I would expect the mount to track for 2 minutes, then stop for the rest of the 13 minutes until I perform the flip. After performing the flip, sidereal tracking should be able to be turned back on in order to plate solve, re-center the target, start guiding and resume exposures. In my experience I cannot turn it back on, without going to Home position first.