It has been brought to the attention of all CN forum members that it appears ZWO has intentionally disabled support for the NYX-101 mount in the current AA app 2.0 firmware update.
It has been proven that the previous AA app 1.91 firmware works fine with the NYX-101 and this revelation has generated a significant amount of negative feedback from current and potential ZWO customers.
What confuses me personally is the NYX-101 is in a higher payload class and the cost difference between the NYX and AM5 is an additional $1000. Therefor it is realistically not a direct competitor to the AM5 to begin with so what possible reason could there be for such a reckless decision?
As we speak, this issue is a smoldering ember but has a real potential to blow-up into a forest fire very quickly. The winds are starting to blow and it might be wise for ZWO to put out this fire while it still can.
Like many others, I was considering the purchase of an AM5 in the near future but have put this decision on hold until there is a good faith commitment from ZWO to support the mount community equally.
Is ZWO afraid of or trying to kneecap selective competition in the swg mount space? If so, this deliberate act will not improve your AM5 sales numbers. In fact, if not reconsidered and reversed it could (and likely will) result in the exact opposite.
The AM5 has been a success standing on its own merit and in its price/payload/performance is at the top of the class. The position of being the standard to which others are measured against is the best position anyone could be in, why on earth would you choose to compromise what you have established?
I sincerely hope this message gets to the appropriate eyes in a timely manner.....
Here is some feedback from current CN members and growing:
I can confirm that the mount connects with ASIAir version 1.91 and it slews. in version 2.0 it don't recognize the device. so ZWO must thinks that Pegasus Astro mount is real competition because they block the connection.
I had been considering ASIAIR for my “next” observatory in conjunction with my MI-250, this is now completely and utterly off the table. I don’t DO that kind of vendor lock in an Open Community.
Hint to ASI: “rent seeking” behavior ultimately results in the downfall of those practicing it. You’ve lost me as a customer, ever.
Yes, I have many ZWO products (I own an AM5 for heavens sake and I don't find these to be competitors) but unless they reverse this absurd decision I will start selling off there equipment and switch to other brands. I can not see how every other mount is ok but this one. I'm hoping it's an oversight and Pegasus is listed to lock out focusers and other equipment that has never worked on ASIAir from any manufacture also ASIair 2.0 was released long before the Nyx even started to ship so again I'm not sure this was the plan by ZWO. I wrote them a stern email about this decision, the more of us that voice our concern maybe what it takes to remove the restriction.
I absolutely agree with you and support this point of view!
A Pegasus powerbox and a mele quieter are more versatile and cheaper then the asi air anway.
This is exactly why I have never used ASIAir, or their EAF or any other devices of theirs other than some CMOS cameras. And even on that front, my next camera purchase will not be ZWO as a matter of principle.
Companies that add to the ecosystem in an open way will always get my business wherever possible.
That sounds pretty despicable of zwo, if that's the case. Strange though that they have been actually adding support for other swg mounts that are more direct competitors, like the ioptron ones.