Practicing what I preach...
I just started to write the code to support my second iteration of an All Sky camera.
The first version used an ASIAIR, with a pancake version (uncooled) of the ASI178MC and a 3.2mm CCTV lens (higher quality that the stuff ZWO gives away for free, but still just a CCTV quality lens). WiFi. Power through a 12V source.
This version is using INDIGO Sky on a Raspberry Pi 4. The camera is an uncooled ASI294MC. The lens is a Sony-E mount version of the Samyang 8mm Fish-eye. Interface will be Ethernet with power from PoE through the same cable. The ASIAIR just is too crippled.
The lens went from this
to this
I have just started modifying the (macOS) program I had written to work with INDIGO so that it is specialized for All-sky and Meteor captures (my plan is to do frame subtraction to only record frames with meteors -- avoiding aiplanes is going to be challanging).
The "Preview" screen from the original program will be used to capture and saving images. So far, it still has the stuff to control focusers and filters, and a histogram. Those will be removed and replaced by all-sky and meteor specific control in a different window -- I want an All-Sky display to be no-nonsense, with nothing but a view of the sky (and trees, in my case :-).

Hey, notice the two parameter histogram adjustment (the little green arrows) to get proper histogram balancing (not like the single parameter on on the ASIAIR app-- again, another "too easy," thing in ASIAIR).
Now try to do all this on an ASIAIR. Even when you are not my 75 years of age :-).
(Right over my head is my FSQ-85 stored on the second RST-135 that is on a Gitzo tripod.)