Kevin_A Please list what features are of most concern or relevance in a advanced tab.
For auto-guiding:
1) An option to compensate for the slow field rotation of the multi-guide stars (i.e., a slow moving average of the positions of each of "reference" star positions, instead of the fixed position today).
2) An option to use uniform weighting, instead of the fixed Signal-to-Noise based weighting of the multi-star centroids.
3) options to pick the LPF2 and the digital filter options that are already in PHD2, but not used by ASIAIR,
4) option to allow user to use ST4 guiding instead of piulse guiding -- today, if you want to use ST4, you cannot connect ASIAIR to a mount. Some mounts have less latency with ST4 guiding.
5) prepare 50 stars and allow them to be used as substitutes when one or more of the initial pick of stars is/are lost because of clouds. Today, when a star is lost, you simply end up with fewer stars used in centroid averaging. This will also help when you start autoguiding when transparency stars out being poor but then improves, and cause selected stars to start saturating.
6) allow user to select auto setting of the "calibration steps" to get 25 pixel movement since it is a simple function of the guide plate scale and the guide camera pixel size. Even their target audience can benefit from this.
7) allow user to select dark frames (or at least bad pixel map) for different guide cameras (many advance users own more than one guide scope/ guide camera).
8) option to quickly swap main camera/main EAF with the guide camera/guide EAF and transfer the correct focal lengths. Today, to focus a guide camera, you need to manually swap camera, manually swap EAF, and manually enter the correct focal length.