Build (41) came out but it didn’t update firmware. The App still shows 2.1.2 10.94 What does this build fix. How about some release notes.?
SFj9LuNr I guess the build (40) fix some Vixen (Vixin?) App only bug. And the build (41) fix the FW check bug in build (40). :-)
Can someone tell me if the "normal" Canon EOS M50 will also work with the new release? When the M50ii will work, I hope so will the M50.
Need to know before ordering an ASIAIR device.
Shartok nope! I try it and it doesn’t work!
PMTeam@ZWO ASIAIR [V2.1.2 - 10.94] - 2023.12.18 Change List
PMTeam@ZWO Please fix the guiding issue that seems to be related to the change in minimum movement setting in phd2?
I second what everyone else is saying. There is no way I will upgrade to this version if it makes guiding worse.
PMTeam@ZWO count me in. And please listen to your customers! Thanks!
PMTeam@ZWO Sony a5000 connection doesn't work , display remains fixed at connection in progress.
PMTeam@ZWO @Tech@ZWO think you need to step in here. It will surely help.
AstroDude42 Thank you for your feedback, could you tell me more information of your devices? and do you have some PHD2 log before and after the mini move changes?
Will the asi air plus automatically update the firmware upon startup or must I initiate it somehow?
JTSAN You can stop it from updating.
JTSAN It will prompt 'there is a new version firmware to update' after you install and run the new version app. So do not update the new app won't lead to a firmware update.
@AstroImg@ZWO Come on guys we need a support for the Canon EOS M50 Mark 1
PMTeam@ZWO Guys, please add support for M50 Mark 1!
GeminiJim It's on the to do list, but not sure if there will be a problem.
Sony a5000 connection doesn't work , display remains fixed at connection in progress.
Chetorolac We are looking into this problem, if there is any news i will tell you. Thank you for your feedback.
Why do you delete my messages? I have not said anything that is not true, why do you delete them?
lorenzocold As you did not describe the problem you have, just left many useless or discordant comments. Can you please tell me the problem you have and your needs? thank you in advance.
Are you going to return the money I spent on something that doesn't work?
Both kstars and phd2 have their source code posted on github, anyone can contribute and improve it. Because you do not do it? Why do you laugh at your clients? Respond like a man and don't delete my messages.
Another vote to please support the original Canon M50. ..... And I for one, love my ASIAIR and appreciate a Beta release to help improve it!
lorenzocold I can state that the software is not unusable. I have three of them that I use on two of my scopes and a club scope. All three work successfully. For me, the current beta has an issue with MinMo in guiding that makes guiding worse for me, but not unusable.
I just wonder why you are whining in the beta software thread? you are not very obviously person who should participate beta testing of anything. You should roll back to official version and use it. If it doesn't work for your purposes, change into NINA.