SFj9LuNr I have the same problem on my Ipad. I have reported the problem.


Hi Kevin,

How do you test this when seeing conditions are always changing by the minute? I took out my new AM5 to a dark sky site last week and got decent guiding averaging around .4-.6 arcs seconds of error, and that was in fairly poor sky conditions with low transparency and mediocre seeing. I use an ASI220mm mini guide camera with a 240mm focal length guide scope, The asi220mm has a 4 micron pixel size compared to the ASI173, which I used to use which had a 5.86 pixel size.

But in the year I've been doing astrophotography I have never seen guide numbers stay exactly the same throughout the night.


    SFj9LuNr Same issue here on the iPad with the lates iPad OS 17.2.

    jsg it is hard to test anything this time of year. I have really stable skies most years exept this one due to fires. The information regarding Minmo is from various SWG manufacturers documentation regarding guiding preferences with their own equipment. Rainbow, Pegasis etc. Worm gear mounts have bigger but slower PE and you use longer guide exposures to cancel out sporadic seeing issues. Multistar help too by using many centroids. SWGears have less PE but very rapid so you have to work around that with other parameters you have at your disposal. Some manufacturers give guidance… but not ZWO.

    The boat is more like a yacht at this point.

    Simply put, like you said, the entire system needs to have an "Advanced Guiding Settings" page added that allows you to tune the MinMo, backlash compensation, etc, etc like PHD2 has. That's the one thing I miss about PHD2 moving over to the Air. (I don't miss focusing manually with an SCT Focus Motor 🤢 )

    My guiding was consistently .1-.3" before this firmware version, and now it sits around .6-.9, which OAG'ing at 2032mm and .576"/PX is unacceptable- especially considering how consistently good my seeing is in my location (I've had multiple nights in the last week with 8 minute star FWHM under 1"- laser sharp). Keep in mind I'm also using an EQ6R.

    Nothing has changed in my imaging train when I moved to that new version, but as you said, it likes to jiggle around in RA now, instead of correcting properly despite the reduction in guide rate from .9 to .75, it overcompensates on RA even with heavily reduced AGR and undercompensates on DEC with 100% AGR. It's rather annoying.

    Last night infact, despite having good seeing and a near-perfect full mount balance & calibration, I had issues with guiding to the extent where I had to drop 5 (8 minute) frames from a dataset because of egg-shaped or shimmied stars!

    I've never dropped frames before!

    I want to like the (honestly pretty good) additions (Thank the Gods in Red for the LDN catalogue and the Sony dot fix!) from 2.1.2. but I really can't because of all the bugs surrounding guiding.

    In other words: Advanced Guiding Settings page please and thank you.

    Build (41) came out but it didn’t update firmware. The App still shows 2.1.2 10.94
    What does this build fix. How about some release notes.?

      Can someone tell me if the "normal" Canon EOS M50 will also work with the new release?
      When the M50ii will work, I hope so will the M50.

      Need to know before ordering an ASIAIR device.


        SFj9LuNr I guess the build (40) fix some Vixen (Vixin?) App only bug. And the build (41) fix the FW check bug in build (40). :-)

        ASIAIR [V2.1.2 - 10.94] - 2023.12.18
        Change List

        • Supported Vixen Wireless Unit module
        • Optimized the stuck during using Continuous Preview on Android
        • Optimized positioning failure issue on Android
        • Fixed the problem of Continuous Preview automatically stopping
          5 days later

          Will the asi air plus automatically update the firmware upon startup or must I initiate it somehow?

            Sony a5000 connection doesn't work , display remains fixed at connection in progress.

            Why do you delete my messages? I have not said anything that is not true, why do you delete them?