ASIAIR [V2.1.2 - 10.94] - 2023.12.18
Change List

  • Supported Vixen Wireless Unit module
  • Optimized the stuck during using Continuous Preview on Android
  • Optimized positioning failure issue on Android
  • Fixed the problem of Continuous Preview automatically stopping
    5 days later

    Will the asi air plus automatically update the firmware upon startup or must I initiate it somehow?

      Sony a5000 connection doesn't work , display remains fixed at connection in progress.

      Why do you delete my messages? I have not said anything that is not true, why do you delete them?

        Are you going to return the money I spent on something that doesn't work?

        Both kstars and phd2 have their source code posted on github, anyone can contribute and improve it.
        Because you do not do it?
        Why do you laugh at your clients?
        Respond like a man and don't delete my messages.

        Another vote to please support the original Canon M50. ..... And I for one, love my ASIAIR and appreciate a Beta release to help improve it!

          lorenzocold I can state that the software is not unusable. I have three of them that I use on two of my scopes and a club scope. All three work successfully. For me, the current beta has an issue with MinMo in guiding that makes guiding worse for me, but not unusable.


          I just wonder why you are whining in the beta software thread? you are not very obviously person who should participate beta testing of anything. You should roll back to official version and use it. If it doesn't work for your purposes, change into NINA.

          lorenzocold maybe stop spamming, swearing and abuse so much?

          Create your own thread detailing the issues your are having.

          And do so in a clear and concise manner making sure to list all the equipment you are using.

          Also submit a support ticket
          Choose the section that is relevant for your issue and submit it.

          Again, if you do so in an appropriate way you're more likely to get a response.

          Just for the record and to put some of the off-topic statements from lorenzocold into perspective (some of those posts were rightfully removed by the admin because of the usage of profanity):

          I have been using both the ASIAIR and Raspberry Pi 4B-based “freeware” solutions. Stellarmate is not really free, Astroberry seems to be abandoned (like many other non-profit GitHub “solutions”), Indigo is kind of open, but the full GUI is not really free either.

          • KStar/EKOS is free and well supported, but lacks an easy GUI on the iPad. I tried Stellarmate… not as easy and not as stable as the ASIAIR. Lost a few nights with Stellarmate as well.
          • KStar/EKOS has a very steep learning curve and endless tabs and menus to access literally hundreds of “tunable” settings, which are not the 1-2-3 approach by the ASIAIR.
          • With KStars/EKOS you need a remote login and have a very low quality typical LINUX-GUI.
          • Besides the Raspberry Pi that is running the indiserver (KStars/EKOS), you still need a second computer. A phone or iPad running VNC is not a good a solution, because of poor readability. Again, I found Stellarmate not really adequate yet.
          • There is no live imaging/stacking in EKOS, no easy mosaicking, no “just-click-here” for setting up hardware. I always had trouble focusing with the EKOS tools… tons of non-self-explanatory settings, no clue what they do… in the end the focusing routine runs forever and does not find the focus. The focusing interface in the ASIAIR is simply brilliant. I use it either fully automatically or manually with a Bahtinov mask.
          • The ZWO hardware is IMHO superior to the Raspberry Pi. The first ASIAIR was a RPi3, the AA Pro was an RPi4B, the AA Plus already used the industrial compute module version of the RPi4B, the new ASIAIRs are using new hardware, great external antennas, better on board memory than the off-the-shelf RPi. The new RPi5 still has the same poor WiFi antenna for the 5GHz network as the RPi4B. I use the AA mini at a distance of 20m to 30m, set-up in the garden, while I am in the warm house. Impossibly with the RPi4/5 without extra routing hardware.
          • The AA boxes have a 12V input and several 12V outputs, which you do not find on a RPi4/5, either.
          • OK… the new AA software seems to have issues with the guiding settings… if this is the only issue… I am sure ZWO will come up with a solution.
          • Ranting and using profanity will not make anyone’s case more solid nor does it provide any technical info on the actual issues.