im using and before testing the new version and everything working perfect
please. could someone tell me what is wrong with asi air pro plus
50% or more problems are bad cables , or bad quality cables. start checking the cables , and dont bends the cables less 90 degree ( data cables like (usb hight** speed )

Hi everyone, I tried the latest version and I can say that it works very well

Used: AM5, Star Adventurer GTI, ZWO ASI 533mc pro, 294mm, ZWO Filterwheel, my Nikon Z6 and D850,
I just tested the beta firmware. Everything worked great.

But I would have one big request:

Yesterday I was extremely lucky. I programmed the ASI Air to take images during the night. I don’t no way but I woke up at 2:00h in the morning just do find out that the weather forecast was wrong and clouds obscured the sky. So I decided to stop imaging and get my rig inside. Just as I got it inside it started to rain. My ASI AIR, AM5, ASI533mc pro + my telescope soaked with water? That made me think!
For me as a programmer questions popped up in my mind.

  1. Is there a condition that can sound an alarm?
  2. Is there an Equipment available to detect such a condition?


  1. If the are clouds, buildings,... hiding the galaxies, stars and DSO imaging makes no sense.
  2. The ASI AIR is able to detect this condition. (think of the message star lost during guiding)

So my big request to the programmers of the ASI Air firmware is:”Please implement something like that in the guiding menu or the guiding screen”.


  1. Checkbox for activating/deactivating alarm.
  2. Textfield to enter a delay time in, lets say minutes, to sound the alarm.

If stars are lost and the delay time is used up the alarm should be triggered inside the ASI Air application. This way I can program the ASI Air. Go to bed. Place the mobile or tablet next to my bed. I would not have to worry about the weather or trees or buildings getting into the telescope view.
The ASI Air would take care about this condition and would ring an alarm on my device. Wouldn't that be great? And I think it is no big deal to implement it into the ASI Air firmware.


There is a new BETA UPDATE with version V2.1.2 - 10.99 2024.02.06
and there is a new feature "ADDED ZWO AM3/AM5 HIGH LOAD MODE"

What does this new feature do ? can you give details please ?

Thank you


I dud update the beta firmware in ASIAIR and did find out what the new "ADDED ZWO AM3/AM5 HIGH LOAD MODE" is about.. Thank you

    Has anyone managed to get the Sony A1 to work with the latest firmware? The camera is recognized but I get an "exposure failed" error every time I try to take a picture. I have tried many different USB cables and I believe I used all the settings on the camera required. I'm curious if anyone has managed to get it to work with this camera.

    What is the AM3/AM5 High Load Mode about then?

      Corsair @Tech@ZWO

      Hello, the only way to come to details to the new feature ""ADDED ZWO AM3/AM5 HIGH LOAD MODE"" is to
      install the newest Beta and connect to an AM5/AM3 mount, and then you see a new entry under MOUNT which you can activate or not and there is a small "?" sign and once you click the "?" sign, then some Details are shown, and the details related to "ADDED ZWO AM3/AM5 HIGH LOAD MODE" are! very shortly written, once you activate the feature in your ASIAIR under MOUNT, then your AM5/AM3 will move with 50% redued speed but at the same time the load capacity will increase also by 50%, and this will allow also to be used at lower tempratures..

      Hope my explanation is correct.. m,aybe ZWO can confirm again ?

      I ran it in high load mode last night. I found it best to enable it after I performed PA and calibration as it does slow down slewing to a crawl. My weight was light but it was cold outside. My guiding afterwards was very good with no issues. I think it will be a good feature as at -10c outside I can hear the stiffness in the belts as it slews compared to when it’s warmer outside, so a reduced slew speed is best.


        I'm going up to my dark site tonight for the first time in months. AM3, ASI2600MM, ASI174MM, EFW, EAF. In your opinion is the beta safe enough to use. Or should I wait?


          I "went for it" and updated. It's no more or less stable than the release version. Worked well.

          A guy in my club who is new to the ASIAir, had installed the beta and is running on an AM5. Seems the "Corrected Trigger Accuracy" aka minmove defaults to 0.2px which is why his guiding sucked until I changed it for him. Also needed to lower Max DEC/RA durations to something more sensible. Would be nice if ZWO had a sensible set of defaults for the mount type chosen. Even better if ZWO had a set of recomended guiding params included with mount report.

          Still no display of LST which I've been requesting for awhile. At least meridian flip worked this time but then I suspect it's going to be a problem again when we switch back to DST.

          Seems for the DUO there is an option to control the fan speed I assume to lessen noise from mechanical vibration. Would be nice if that extended to the 2600 as well.

            hyiger I have already asked them for fan control on the regular 2600 series.
            I can bug them again. I have a post on the forum for basic settings but I agree that using the AM3/5 mounts should default to lower numbers for aggression and duration and 1s exposures and 0.1px minmo.

            I just received an ASI2600MC Pro and it has fan control in the current beta software!

              blang68 I just checked the latest beta and do not see it under 2600mc pro. Are you talking about the duo? Do you have the camera type set to pro or duo? I am using TestFlight version 2.1.2 build 77 and the only fan control is just for the 2600 Duo.

              I am using the most recent IOS build which included an firmware update on the ASIAIR + 256 and it has two speeds for the fan.

                blang68 I am using the asiair plus with my iPadOS 17.2 and the latest TestFlight build and there is no fan speed switch for the 2600mc pro… only for the 2600mc Duo. Take a screen shot and please post it… thanks!

                It would have helped if I had mentioned that the setting was in the advanced settings!

                  blang68 are you sure you are not using the 2600 Duo? I am doing the latest TestFlight Beta testing and it is not in mine for the 2600 Pro. Maybe they are shipping the 2600 pros with new firmware built in….. as it is weird not to show up in Beta Testing on mine.

                  Has to be new firmware as I actually received a very good USB 3 cable with the camera!