I "went for it" and updated. It's no more or less stable than the release version. Worked well.
A guy in my club who is new to the ASIAir, had installed the beta and is running on an AM5. Seems the "Corrected Trigger Accuracy" aka minmove defaults to 0.2px which is why his guiding sucked until I changed it for him. Also needed to lower Max DEC/RA durations to something more sensible. Would be nice if ZWO had a sensible set of defaults for the mount type chosen. Even better if ZWO had a set of recomended guiding params included with mount report.
Still no display of LST which I've been requesting for awhile. At least meridian flip worked this time but then I suspect it's going to be a problem again when we switch back to DST.
Seems for the DUO there is an option to control the fan speed I assume to lessen noise from mechanical vibration. Would be nice if that extended to the 2600 as well.