Can download Beta 2.1.4 from Testflight for iOS device

Yesterday, I can download 2.1.4-420 beta from Testflight, however, I can't see this beta in Testflight now. But Andriod version is still available.

Tech@ZWO I have the same issue with sony a1 and a7rv i was following all the beta, and it never worked.
I followed all the tutos or sony configuration you were sharing, and same issue. I was never able to use my asiair from day 1 🙁

    caradou Can not connect or others? Could you please take a video to record the connection progress and submit the log in the ASIAIR app for us to analyze?
    You also can directly contact for more support, thanks.

      Tech@ZWO It's showing the same than what was described here:
      Of course, i'm on Manual, Bulb (trying as well 30sec), i tried with and without shutter cable, using Uncompressed Raw, Bracket is set to 0 and all the other parameters (like zebra off,pc connect etc..)
      i reset my camera (both a1 and a7rV), i disconnected the camera, and connected to the asiair only when it's started. And it's always the same popup that appears.
      I will send you a video, do you need something else? Thank you

      Tech@ZWO I just sent you an email with a video showing my configuration and what errors do i have and how i'm connecting to the asiair.

      Hi amateur astronomers, last night I finally found a good evening to try the new update on my android tablet. I noticed that when centering a certain object, at the time of automatic centering, the blue cross and the red cross never match but are slightly staggered. Furthermore, objects on the map are blurry and there are misleading lines. Another problem is with my ASI 2600 MC PRO. Last night after 3 exposures of 300 seconds the M51 galaxy was grainy and with a watercolor effect, you can help me with the setting to have photos worthy of the name, I would like to point out that I have a C9.25, a CGX and an ED62 as a guide. Thank you in advance

      Last night, I tried 2.1.3, 11.05fw. Using a ASI585 camera, I got the dreaded "exposure failure"! Just like I did with 2.1.2, 11.01. I did a soft restart from within the AIR Plus 256; it seemed ok. Then, I started my planned autorun. Exposure 1 & 2 ok. Exposure 3, the image capture but would NOT tramsfer to the Android tab. I pushed "pause" and got the autorun to restart and exposure 4 was OK. Exposure 3 was trailed. Then exposure 5 stalled again. Restried paused and exposure 6 failed again with NO images transferred to the TAB.
      This morning I Reinstalled 2.1.3 and fw 11.01 and it appears the APP is OK like 2 days ago.
      I then went to the gpyer site and see that 2 hours ago. Update 2.2 was released with Firmware 1093/1105/4003 notation; whatever that means.
      Appears ZWO corrected 2.1.4 and released 2.2 ???????????? Don't know what "testflight" show??????
      I will test 2.2 today for US and let you know!!!!!!!!!!! Nice to be retired in AZ.

      L5rEAosd Go to the 2.1.2 forum, select the iOS beta link for TestFlight and it will offer you the 2.1.4 beta version ( of course you need TestFlight installed in your device previously ).

        It would be nice to know which bug fixes I am going to look at/check while testing v2.1.4 TestFlight!

          I tested Android version 2.2_0403 11.05 tonight. I was using AIR Plus 256 unit. Here's what happened.
          Started normally, all devices found: AM5 mount, EAF, ASI585 osc camera, ASI220 mm camera, Edge 8, WO 200 and USB memory stick. PA to 33". Slewed to M81 and centered. Tried to "solve" and sinc; but, NO response. Repeatedly. Guiding calibrated to about .30 and started normally. Set Auto Run to 2 min for 45 exposures. Dithered each 10. Set eMMC as repository of images. Set refocus for 1 deg C change. Started AR. For 36 exposures, No issues; 2 dithers and 2 refocuses..
          Then no 37 wouldn't transfer from camera to memmory for an abnormal of time, but did finally. 38 & 39 appeared normal. No 40 imaged but wouldn"t transfer. I waited 5 min about and shut it down... It was at the meridan.
          Sorry for the long text.
          Edit:: Although it didn't display that the images transferred; they were all there?????????


          Good luck Kevin_A, where I am situated it is raining and cloudy..

            L5rEAosd Sorry to hear that. Working fine here, but I don't know why they haven't open the 2.1.4 beta forum yet. Hope you can solve your issues.

              minimoto71 Thanks. There have been plenty of complaints about ZWO cameras and the voltages needed to make them work. Cloudy NIghts is riddled with them. It now appears that my power supplies have become marginal over the time I've used them. How you connect everything and the quality of the USB 3 cabling also comes into play. With the new knowledge I acquired from CN made me review all those things. After rewiring things and retesting 2.1.2 and 2.1.4 and 2.2; I found out that my "exposure failures" are related to the voltages being used and a USB3 cable. Using the voltage table available in the AIR + 256, I found that if the voltage creeped down to 11.8 volts from 12; I got the error. When the voltage returned to 11.9, no errors. In one test, the camera disconnected and said no USB3. So, I switched out that cable. No more errors. So, I'm running Beta 2.2, fw 11.05.. I have new bench style power supply coming tomorrow rated for 13.8V and should NOT ever creep down to 11.8..

              • w7ay replied to this.

                L5rEAosd I have new bench style power supply coming tomorrow rated for 13.8V and should NOT ever creep down to 11.8..

                If 13.8 volts is too high to allow the ASIAIR to boot, most bench regulated supplies can be opend up and adjusted. I had two ASIAIR in a row that won't boot at 13.8V, but would boot at 13.7V (in spite of the specs saying they should work at 13.8V). Typical ZWO QC.

                Use heavy cables (14 AWG) to run to the scope if it is more than 10 ft from the power supply, and adapt to 18 AWG (no thinner) in the last 3 or 4 feet so it is more manageable.

                Good copper 18 AWG is 6 mΩ per foot. Together with the ground return on a wire pair, that makes 12 mΩ per foot. So, even a 10 foot run of 18 AWG will drop you by 0.6 volts at 10 feet.

                Most Amazon "18 AWG" wires are really more like 20 AWG, but I did find one brand (even with silicone insulation that does not stiffen in the cold) which actually works like 18 AWG ($0.40 per foot). Their 14 AWG is $0.90 per foot, and 12 AWG is $1.26 per foot). Expensive, but worth every penny.

                The other trick is to use a buck/boost regulator at the telescope.


                  Hello, unfortunately I still have the problem with my Nikon Z fc and Asiair, he reports an "exposure error". I have checked the necessary settings again and bought a new € 30 USB cable, no difference. I reported this few weeks ago but received no response. I can live with it, if you say this is not working at the moment then I will have to wait.

                  Thank you and best regards, Nikolaus