Can you explain what "AM3/AM5 Heavy Duty Mode" is and when to use it? Thank you!

    Jan75 it is for using the mount in cold weather and also with a borderline heavy payload or both. It basically reduces the slewing speed significantly while allowing an increase in payload.

      After the update, my ASIAIR started presenting several issues. The USB ports sometimes work, sometimes don't. When I activate station mode, the ASIAIR stops working. The Platesolve feature no longer works; it keeps trying to process but never manages to resolve.

        So it's fixed a few issues but created a new one. Previously when a new update was released, it was installed then the first time opened on my Android phone, a message appeared saying "checking data integrity, it'll take several minutes" just once. Now this message appears every time I launch the app. It adds around 10 seconds to the start up time. I have heard from over 20 other users with the same issue so far on facebook. This doesn't appear to affect ios devices.

          I'm having the same problem. It runs the data integrity check every time znd takes close to a minute on my tablet. That's too long to wait every time I start up standing next to the scope in below freezing weather,

            nandoarj i


            I am having usb problems as well….my ASIAIR Plus no longer detects anything connected to any of the usb ports including a memory stick

            I am stuck

            PS=> a factory reset and followed by a firmware update did the trick

              Unfortunately the update broke the canon 550d integration. The color channels are not saved correctly anymore (I think red and green are flipped) and there is a strange moire effect in the images. For the live stacking the old darks, flats and biases are not working anymore (it said it did not match the settings despite having the same, I suspect it's because of the mixed up color channels).

                philipp I just confirmed the color channel swap, green and red color channel are flipped

                Kevin_A So the slewing speed decrease is used for the initial target selection (i.e. slew to target) or does it have any bearing on tracking/guiding accuracy? I was wondering if there's any connection with another new feature, guide speed setting. The assumption being that with a high-inertia load and fast guide speed the mount might easily be over-corrected or sent into oscillations (which then appear in guide logs as a second order harmonic).

                  KF7DS I'm glad you got it to work, but it didn't for me. When you say you did a factory reset was that the firmware reset option from the app? That is what I did. I did at some point get the USB stick to work but not the camera guide camera or EAF. I know it has some type of connection because the cooling fan comes on even if it says there is no camera. I also get the "checking data integrity" msg.

                  Of course tonight is going to be the best conditions we've had in a couple of months and no camera :-(

                  Any other ideas?

                  Hi guys,
                  Can I run asiair software without the device itself ?
                  I want to figure out the functions without damaging any real setup.
                  Is ZWO ASI 585MC PRO added?
                  If something goes wrong can I go back to the previous version?
                  Thank you

                  Is this update happening by itself or I have to do it?
                  BTW I don't want to do it.


                    If you are using an iPhone or iPad, to prevent an update you need to shut off automatic "App Downloads" and automatic "App Updates" in the "App Store" settings. That hit me once when I was starting a public outreach star party. I started the ASIAIR and it kicked into updating it. I thought I was toast. Fortunately, I had no issues once everything was updated. I don't know how to get around not updating on an Android device.

                    There is nothing specific in the Release Notes about the ASI585MC Pro. I don't know how much different the ASIAIR needs to treat it from the non-Pro other than it needs to be powered and show the temperature setting.


                      @PMTeam@ZWO Just spotted a typo - in the Guide menu setting, gain is spelled "Gian"

                        The location Info refresh button doesn't refresh. It shows always a wrong location. (Latitude/Longitude) on Android version

                        The Samsung tablet knows the location and show it correctly on other apps. The AM5 mount app shows the right location. It's an ASIAIR App issue.

                        Second problem, the app is checking data integrity from 0 to 100% on every start.


                          I was told uninstall the update and download it from the zwo website. This fixed my issues 🙂

                          The new Android 2.1.2-11.01 public released firmware is very bugy!

                          Where can i download the previous version app 2.1.1-10.74 or 2.1.1-10.99? I can't find any 2.1.1 version on the ZWO officialy or beta web site.