OK... back to your original topic (cooled ASI585MC) :-).
First, lets look at a ASI2600MC (which both of us have, so we can be in sync) at -10ºC.
This is the RMS error (a.k.a. standard deviation, and that is the square root of the variance -- thus the "root" part of the term RMS) for the ASI2600MC that I just measured earlier today. That is the ordinate axis.
The abscissa is the gain in 10x dB, thus basically the ZWO "gain."
Each color "curve" is a different exposure time.

Notice the abrupt reduction of noise at 100 (where the HCG kicks in). So, if you see a big drop, that means the read noise (which is affected by HCG) is predominant, and if you don't see a drop, then dark current noise (which is not affected by HCG) is the predominant noise for that exposure value.
Notice that the ASI2600MC is pretty much read-noise limited. It is not until 180 second exposures that the HCG drop drops. And even at 180 seconds, it has not yet completely vanished. Dark current noise is not a problem.
Now, lets look at ZWO's cooled ASI585MC (same -10ºC):

Interestingly, HCG is effective even with dark current noise at 120 second exposures.
However, if you look carefully, dark current noise is large enough that the total noise at HCG (gain = 252) is never really lower than using a gain of 150 or so.
And, by gain of 150, the total noise is already very high. The total RMS noise for a 10 second (not typo 10 sec, not 100 sec) exposure (dashed green line) at gain 150 is already at about 40 ADU.
Now go look back and look at the ASI2600MC chart... a 60 second exposure at HCG has a total noise of just a little over 40 ADU.
The ASI585MC is definitely not a good long exposure camera. You may be able to use this camera, if you use 10 second type exposures, and let stacking reduce the strong read noise.
Now, if you kick HCG in at gain 150 instead of 252 that ZWO chose, it might actually become a usable long (120 second-ish) exposure camera. As it is (with HCG at 252), the noise is already so high as to be unusable.
Pity the people who buy this camera just because it is finally a cooled camera that they can afford. It is money down the drain (unless you are a CAA type who don't need long exposures).
I guess if you are in a Bortle 9 area, the noise would be dominated by the sky background, and the camera noise is not such a big factor.