Tech@ZWO I would have to disconnect and reconnect multiple times in a session in order to get my 2600 to download images. If I had my ASI mini running in PhD it would not connect. When I removed the mini and replaced it with a Lodestar it would work.
One day it would work from initial start-up, the next evening it wouldn't work at all.
I have replaced cabels, changed from USB 3 to USB 2, hooked up a ZWO power brick directly, run power off the Pegasus buck at 15v, hooked up directly into the computer, and ran it off a hub...... nothing ever fixed the issue.
I ended up replacing it with a different camera and that worked immediately.
All of that tells me it is more than likely a driver issue. Maybe a slight chance it could be a USB connector solder issue but I'm guessing driver.