support If skipping ahead creates too little overlap, then try backing up to make the previous area clearer, or temporarily move inward a layer in the spiral from the point it failed. Almost every time it has failed for me it's up in that upper left corner near the end of one complete shell of the spiral. Attached are two images showing again what I think is happening.. This is where it got stuck (3 nights in a row).. having imaged almost the entire frame, but then failing in the upper left corner..
And below is same spot zoomed in and the sky atlas showing where it was imaging. Notice how incredibly noisy it is in the corner from an earlier pass. Obviously the noise is reduced by repeated stacked exposures, but I think the issue is that since nearly and hour of real time has passed the sky has rotated a fair bit, there's not a lot of stars there (due to the nature of the target) and it's trying to image halfway outside of the saved frame. This combines to make it struggle to align the latest exposure against the noisy corner. But if it moved inward (in this case, straight down) it could clean up the noise with more of the frame to align on before continuing the spiral out pattern.
BTW, why must every post be approved in this forum now? It makes discussions here really drag on for days and days.. since we have to wait another day for someone to approve every message.