@PMTeam@ZWO I tested the CAA now for a couple of nights.
At the moment it is hard to tell where the CAA will move when going to different Objects over the night. I have the 180d limit enabled. But still you can go to any mechanical angle you like from the CAA dashboard.
Here are some questions:
- will the 180d limit only applies to a meridian flip?
-will the CAA move more than 180d depending on the various angles programmed and angle starting positionin the plan?
-is there a starting (home position) of the CAA from which I can anticipate in which direction the CAA will move and use the 180d?
I was fiddling around and may have found some answers but I like to have them confirmed.
-the CAA internal 0 position does not align with the 0d in the dashboard
-when moving the CAA with the hand Control the dashboard does not change values
-to set the zero position correctly (to be able to predict movement) you need to move the CAA with the dash board to zero d and then move it with the Hand Control to its limit.
-this way the CAA should only move (hopefully limited to 180d) to one direction preventing cable/ pier crash.
From what Ican see now you should not use CAA without setting zero position with the hand control if there is a risk of filter whell crashing /cable snagging in any position.
Moving forward ASIAIR (and Ascom) should have a homing function to confirm correct zero position aligning internal sensor with reported mechanical angle in the dashboard.
There should be a manual to address the important setup of the CAA to avoid people damaging their expensive equipment.