wvreeven Thanks for understanding my frustration. It's morning now so I've had about 12 hours or so to cool down :-))) .
To answer your question, when I am imaging my ASIAIR Pro is connected directly to my home WIFI network router via an Ethernet cable. Since I only image from near my house in my back yard, that solution to the PRO's WIFI problem works perfectly for me. I assume since I can access and download APPS etc such as the ASIAIR APP with that connection I should be able to do as you suggest. I just went to the ABOUT function you mentioned and checked it out.
As we can see just at this forum site the list of problems with this product ( or FW ) is pretty daunting. While some is probably simply user error, there are far too many others that clearly are not. I have so far not seen anyone else on this site, or in the various Facebook groups, mention the problem I have, namely the inability to even start the re calibration process.
That does make me worry that in my case it is some user error. However I done the calibration and re calibration before hundreds of times and never once ever had even the slightest problem. Plus, since that process is so simple, just how could anyone, even someone as obtuse as myself, possibly screw it up anyway? :-))
I do have a brand new spare PRO I could try swapping out, but since everything else is working fine I seriously doubt that would help.
It's my understanding that we can revert back to the previous FW update 8.33 from the current one? Is that correct? If so that might be my best option to try at this point. Unfortunately here in New England our few days this month of clear nights is over!! It maybe another week before I can try imaging again...... However since all I need is a half hour to an hour of some breaks in the clouds to at least see if I can get the calibration process resolved hopefully the next night or two might give me that chance.
Lastly, again my apologies to ASTROSATCH Sorry if I've hijacked your thread!!!