astrosatch AHHH!!! are you saying you have been having this DEC issue at the same time you had/have that Auto Restore Calibration set to "ON"?? I assume you do not have a permanent mount set up or observatory, but like me sort of a grab and go set up? If so, then by all means turn that "OFF" and then re calibrate!! Now that we understand what the real function of Auto Restore Calibration is we know it's function is NOT intended for those of us who do not have a permanent set up. I totally agree with Chen's comments above on this matter. If you move your mount at all, DO NOT have Auto Restore Calibration set to "ON". I've learned the hard way, but at least now learned!
Since the 1.6 FW update the crazy guiding problems I was having with the 1.5.1 FW seem to have largely been resolved. However I still often get the same DEC, jumps it sounds like you are now getting. Usually as guiding is started, and then continuing. I have found that re calibrating so far has always resolved that problem.
In fact the other night as my PLAN program started my guide graph quickly showed that problem. I stopped the PLAN and tried to re calibrate as usual. That was when I found that I could not......... Of course now we know why......... Last night after turning that switch to "OFF", I was able to again re-calibrate and guide again. The result was guiding about as good I as can get with about a total .50 RMS error.
BY ALL MEANS turn that "OFF"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be THRILLED to learn that solving my problem in your thread I "hijacked", solves your too!!!!!!!!! :-)))) FINGERS DOUBLY CROSSED!!!!