ctmfun I get a screen saying Service Unconnected. I try to scan, connect, doesn’t connect.
When something does not work, see if you can break down the process systematically.
First, are you trying to connect your tablet to the ASIAIR hotspot? Or, are you using the ASIAIR in Station Mode through your home router?
On iOS, if you are using the ASIAIR hotspot, be sure to change the WiFi Settings to connect to the ASIAIR's SSID. Make sure your other networks (like home network) in WiFi settings have their AutoJoin settings turned off, otherwise the iPad will try to switch to other networks when the ASIAIR signal become unreliable.
Make sure you are no more than 1 meter away from ASIAIR, especially if you are in a neighborhood with lots of homes with WiFI networks; those will interfere with the terrible WiFi reception in the ASIAIR even when its transmit signal can be see by your iPad. See comment at the end about using a LAN cable instead.
If you cannot even find the ASIAIR's SSID in the iPad's WiFi settings, perform an ASIAIR WiFi reset.
The WiFi reset switch is hidden in a hole in the ASIAIR device that is labelled "WIFI." Use a paperclip. You will need to set up station mode SSID and passwords after resetting WiFi, so don't do it unless you really cannot even find the ASIAIR hotspot.
On iOS, go into Settings, scroll down to the Apps area and look for the ASIAIR settings. Make sure you have Local Network access capability turned on. (Turn on Location access too if you want to set up your mount from the ASIAIR). Local Network is needed for Station mode too.
If you are using Station Mode, try and connect your iPad to the ASIAIR hotspot first anyway, to diagnose the problem. Make sure the ASIAIR is set to 2.4 GHz, and see if you can re-connect the Station Mode -- the new firmware may have forgotten your your home network's SSID and/or password.
Finally, the best way to get connection to the ASIAIR is through a LAN connection. Get a CAT6 or better cable and connect the ASIAIR to your home router. Connect your iPad to the same router with WiFi, and the ASIAIR app should be able to find the ASIAIR device to do any disgnostics of its WiFi connection.
You can also connect the ASIAIR directly to your iPad and bypassing all WiFi networking. But you will need an Ethernet adapter for the iPad, which you may not have.
Finally, in case some device driver in the ASIAIR had caused ASIAIR to crash (or some device causes the 12V outlet to be overloaded), try to do the above with nothing else connected to the ASIAIR -- no USB devices, no DC output. Just the WiFi antenna (if using WiFI) or only the Ethernet cable (if LAN connected), plus the 12V power.