w7ay thanks, I was using the value of 2000 for the three settings, as I'd used in the previous versions with no issues, so I'm not sure why I'd need to change them - my gear is the same?
I've altered the calibration step a few times so it does more than 2 - 7 steps, now doing 18, that's not a problem I can understand that, however, I'm still having the Dec trace jump off the graph.
I have the other max Dec and max RA both still at 2000. Again, this was the same setting as before I upgraded to 2.0 so do I need to alter those as well?
The other thing I'm noticing, the green square and the two lines in 1.9 returned to the place they started, i.e. centered on the star - this isn't the case when I'm trying in 2.0, (or 2.1 as I'm now trying that) pic attached
Any other settings suggestions would be welcomed.
I did try rolling back to 1.9 but the issue was still there, which, oddly were also the settings I was fiddling around with in 2.0, not the default I would have expected from a clean install, which makes me think there is some remnant file which remains when I deleted 2.0, anyone know if this is the case?
Here is the Dec randomly jumping off the graph: