Kevin_A do you think that an OAG will be better than a 50mm f3.2 guide scope running on my fastish 300mm f5.0 Askar scope.
I have always disliked OAGs. ONAG are different since they don't suffer the same disadvantages of an OAG; but ONAG are targetted to a different audience than ZWO's.
The OAG can only pick up a star that is at the periphery of the image circle. So you have lots of optical aberration and lots of light loss, not to mention, the stars there suffer the most from field rotation. Probably belongs more to people who can support long guide exposures and low FPS.
Unless you have flexure, I would stick to a separate guide scope if I were you. I have even used an Askar FMA180 (40mm aperture) as a guide scope (nope, not as good as the Borg 55FL as guide scope) for the FRA300.

I have not had differential flexure from the 10mm thick dual saddle plate, and strain wave gears are perfect for that since you don't have to worry about third axis balance, I just swap OTA and guide sopes at will.
Mixed and matched to my "usual" nighttime pair:

Two weeks ago, it was configured like this for daytime. The "guide scope" is a Hinode guider and the OTA is an FOA-60Q with a SolarScope SF-50 as the etalon.

Then two days ago, I went completely guider free (the CEO of RainbowAstro is an eclipse chaser, so the solar tracking of the RST-135 is really so precise that it really did not need the Hinode; but I will still use it for once-in-a lifetime event :-). I had the Hinode for many, many years now, even when I was using an EM-11 mount.

This time, the guider clamp was completely empty, but I added a finder to the FOA60Q. The finder is just a 50mm focal length lens attached to an unused ASI290MM mini, with solar filters on the Fujinon lens.
The image from that day can be found here (uncooled ASI533MM camera, no Barlow):
Give a dual saddle a try since your mount also "should" not have third axis balance problem; you can then experiment with guide scopes to your heart's content. My plate was fabricated by a web machine shop; I have a twin of it on my other RST-135.
Do you have a spare ASI178MM or something with small pixels and large sensor? An ASI183MM might even work if you can get 2 FPS out of it. Try for as wide an FOV as possible to get a better star distribution for multi-star centroids.