There is a bug that needs to be addressed when multiple people (for example, at a star party) are using station mode with a common router at that location. Once you connect your ASIAir by station mode to the common router that others are using in station mode, then anyone of those other people can connect to your ASIAir. This has caused people to inadvertantly connect to the wrong ASIAir and take over control of it.

Hello there.
I've updated the firmware last night before shooting and I've troubles with my Nikon Z6 II camera.
In preview and plate solving I have a warning about RAW format (must clic on ok each time) and the pictures seemed to be a little bit strange (the moon wasn't really round).
So for the first clear night of the year, yes, I had to use directly my caemra without the Asiair Plus to shoot 12P Pons Brooks.
All the best

I have had a reply from zwo bug report and they confirm you should roll back to your previous firmware I have just done this and everything looks back to normal I get my 1 pixel back to 4016. To roll back for the asiair plus click on the i icon restore previous version once it is complete just close your app and uninstall it and install the previous version of the app that corresponds to the version that last worked for you. Open app it will ask you to update firmware to that version mine was 10.74 once this is updated you should be back to where you was before updating to the latest firmware. Hope this helps

    I can't use my Asiair to do plate solving or stacking with Nikon Z6 II. It was ok before latest firmware.
    I received this message when I do plate solving and sometimes during preview.

    Asiair Plus 2.1.2 (11.01)
    Nikon Z6 II 1.62
    iPad iOS 17.4.1

    No way to return to last firmware, it's 9.97 (reset) or 11.01.

    Can you help me ?


      Do you have the previous ios app still in your downloads from when it worked all OK once you have restored to the 9.97 firmware you will need to find the app version you was on when it worked for you and Google that version for a download once you install the app and open it on ios it will ask you to update firmware to the same version of the app. I'm on Android so not sure what versions are available for ios. I suspect downloading from the store will give you the latest version again and back to square one with problems.

        Neoprog this might be the version of asiair app you need to install for nikon support v2.0-10.23 once installed open it to connect to asiair after downgrade to 9.97 it will ask you to update to the same version of app.

        bladezz yes in Apple Store you can only download the latest version of the application.

          Neoprog yes you should be able find somewhere on the Internet with a download but you may have to sideload it on a ios and that's a whole different story that I don't know enough about. Google the version I sent you for ios and see if any results are found for a download and see if you can install it.

          @bladezz @nicolas @Neoprog

          I'm a user of a Canon 1300D and I encountered the same behaviour, 1px is missing -> bayers matrice fucked up. I was not aware about this bug and lost 2 entire nights of shots with a clear sky.

          With iOS you cannot just install an app like it is possible on Android, you have to install it from the official store or via TestFlight for beta version. I tried right now the beta in its version 2.1.4 tied to the firmware 11.0.5 and sadly the bug is still there. I also have opened an issue. I hope @ZWO will move their ass or create the possibility to have a rollback on firmware version.

            jeremie-zanone Thanks for your lights. I'm Apple addict so no rollback exactly. I'm thinking of buying an Android terminal just to solve the problem. I've downloaded TestFlight but I don't know how to use this software yet. I going to find more infos about this soft.

              Neoprog TestFlight version doesn't solve the RAW problem during the plate solving.

              Andrix I admit I did not believe that the USB cables could be the source of the issue as the ZWO USB cables seem to be high quality. That said, I took your advice after exhausting all other options and when I plugged the new USB 2.0 and 3.0 cables in, everything appeared as it should. Thanks for the suggestion. In all my computing, I can't recall a USB cable just going bad. First for everything.


                Neoprog Do you have a MacBook? I installed Android in a Parallels virtual machine which allows me to use whatever version of the ASIAir app. If you don't have a Parallels license, getting one may be cheaper that buying a tablet 😊

                  PMTeam@ZWO ZWO AM3/AM5 Heavy Duty Mode

                  This part of the update is much appreciated by those of us operating the AM5 at or below freezing.

                  Are the bulk of problems (bugs) reported with this release experienced by folks using non-ZWO devices?
                  Reason I ask is that I seem to be doing fine with this release, however I am using a fully-ZWO setup for mount, cameras and EAF.
                  One side note: I just noticed my AM5 is running the previous version firmware and not the very latest.

                  • w7ay replied to this.

                    GoKidd I am using a fully-ZWO setup for mount, cameras and EAF.

                    The ASIAIR only supports the EAF and astro cameras.

                    That being said, I have been using a non-ZWO strain wave mount since May of 2019 on the ASIAIR, once ZWO finally got a mount (and RST-150h) on loan for code development. You should have seen the "quality" of the code before RainbowAstro took pity, and gave them a free loaner. Autoguiding has also been working well with the non-ZWO mount (way better than ZWO mounts FWIW) too, once it became available on ASIAIR.

                    Many of the problems for ASIAIR is that ZWO has never even touched one of those remaining troublesome mounts, and their developers are very poor at reading engineering documents -- they need a real mount to work on. I think they use trial-and-error coding.

                    The same is probably true with the DSLR and mirrorless cameras. They are too cheap or too poor to buy them for code development.


                      Yeah. I've thought about an AM5 but am leaning more towards an iOptron HAE29 / HAE29EC mount since I'll be doing unguided EAA with a C8 SCT, Celestron f/6.3 Reducer and ASI294MC Pro camera (which I currently do on my HEQ5 Pro mount without issue).

                      It's just a better strain wave/harmonic mount than the AM5 (even if it's a little fiddly but those little hex/Allen key screws can be replaced with small knobs).

                      I'm still on 2.1-10.74 firmware on my ASIAIR Plus 32GB, though.

                      Considering rolling back to 1.9.1 actually (since I'm on Android/Windows 10 with BlueStacks 5/Windows 11 with Windows Subsystem for Android) just to really experience the difference between that, the 2.1-10.74 firmware and the current 2.1.2 firmware.

                      wvreeven Unfortunately not, it's an iMac 27", not easy too use in the country side ;-)