nicolas PMTeam@ZWO We have multiple user confirming the canon camera issue. Can you acknowledge and give an answer on what will be done to fix the bug and how long it will take?
ASIAIR v2.1.2 has been released!
I, too, am getting "exposure failed" or the AiR stops while trying to load. I, too, have replaced the PSs with NEW ZWO PSs and NO change. I have NOT tried changing the USB 3 cable. Tonight, I will try by 10a Battery feed with current cable and try it with a differnt cable!!
Thank you for new features! Also looking for "guide scope/camera polar align" feature to help us when we have a narrowband filter to Polar Align.
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I have the same issue with my Canon T3i and release 2.1.2. Looks like the color channels are messed up. **My Canon T3i worked perfectly with the prior release of asiair. Glad I was not planning to use my asiair and Canon T3i for the total eclipse here in Dallas in a week. ZWO needs to make the prior release of the asiair app available so that customers can easily downgrade to the prior release of the app. Currently my T3i and asiair 2.1.2 is unusable.
my app just updated to V2. i'm using a mini on a Samsung Galaxy A7 Lite. this tablet has worked perfectly for quite a while (i have 2 mini's). i was using the most recent beta version of the app and all was well. (controlling an AM3, EAF 120mm mini guide camera and ASI2600MC Pro main camera).
today the app "auto updated" and firmware updated as well
after the update each time i start the app it says (checking data integrity, then decompressing data. this takes a minute or so...then when i try to enter the app it takes me to the "App Info page on the tablet. then i have to hit the back arrow to get back into the app itself.
i restarted the app, restarted the tablet but still the same behavior of each time checking data integrity, decompressing etc. as noted this tablet was working perfectly and not exhibiting this behavior on the beta version (ie right before the auto update)
any advice or comments
thanks andy, that fixed the decompression issues. it keeps going to the "apps info" page but i can deal with that issue.
per andybutt (see posting two items above), his solution regarding the decompression issues works perfectly. regarding the "apps info" page, it seems that the software gets upset if some permissions that it wants are not allowed so it sends you to the apps info page. i granted permissions for location, camera etc and all is well.
Yesterday, I downloaded a Beta released 2.1.3!!!!!! Bug fixes and updates.......... This is from the Android site
Two days ago, I reinstalled the 2.1 10.74fw app on my S4 tab. With that running, all my issues with 2.1.2 were gone. Captured 50 exp of 2 min subs of M81. So, releived that it wasn't a hardware PS failure as I had thought. Also, processed those images to a finished image. With that indentical setup and the 2.1.3 installed on my AIR Pro, I started a new imaging session. All hardware recognized, AF completed, PA completed, Go-to M81 completed and centered, Auto guided calibrated and an Auto run of 30 images for 1 hour completed. NO ISSUES............. Features that I use that had been updated in 2.1.2 now worked. NO "exposure failures". One think, I could NOT test was the changes to the 2600 MC Pro camera. That camera is being returned to ZWO for 12v port intermittentcy.
Clear skies to the rest of society and try that release if were having issues with 2.1.2. ONLY if, you have a way back to an a working AIR.... As of this morning, it has NOT been a full release. IMHO
Nicolas, you were right. The size of the fit files with my Canon T3i and ASIAIR version 2.1.2 is 5202X3464. With the previous version of ASIAIR the size of the fit files were 5202X3465.
With the previous version of ASIAIR my images looked great. With version 2.3.2 the images look awful and this version is totally unusable with my Canon T3i. ZWO definitely has a bug with Canon camera and it looks like the color channels are messed up.
My ZWO asi220 guide camera does not have any issues with version 2.3.2 and guides great with my EQ6R.
I’m trying to connect my Sony A7R V to the ASI Air Plus but continuously get an error saying I’m not in bulb mode. I am, however, in bulb mode and have tried with and without the timer, bracketed shooting with the listed settings, resetting the camera’s settings, and double checking my lens’ setting on the off chance that it was there. Nothing has worked. I’d like to not waste the upcoming clear nights.
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Thanks for checking this out
This is a very clear bug IMO and I'm surprised ZWO hasn't reacted or acknowledged it.
The color issue you are seeing is directly related to the new dimensions because the usual bayer pattern no longer applies with them.
From this thread it appears that at least the Canon 550D, Canon T3I (600D) and Canon 2000D are affected. I guess there are more (maybe all Canon?). It would be nice if Canon users could check this and comment here.
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As they said - install the TestFlight app to get access to the Beta on iPhone and iPad.
For those wondering about Android it's here:
These links are published in the first post iof the 2.1.2 beta thread here: