hyiger Unfortunately I'm experiencing the exact same failure plus a few others. My wife and I recently moved from Connecticut to Florida. I was unable to set up my system and use it again for a number of months. Of course when I was able to get back to imaging I also needed to update my system to v2.2.2. I did have one short evening of trouble free operation including a perfectly preformed Meridian Flip. Since then however I'm haunted by non stop disconnect from station mode issues, plate solving issues, failure to center, filter focusing issues as well. As you mentioned sometimes I have to power cycle the ASIAir to restore the station mode operation. About the only thing that seems to be working well has been my guiding, of all things !! :-)
To be honest the unreliability of the AISAir has really taken a lot of enjoyment out of this very expensive as well as challenging hobby for me. I never know what to expect next.
I noticed back on Oct 28 ( a month ago) W7ay posted a list of "fixes" for I assume the v2.2.2 update. Unfortunately I don't see the issues I am having listed. I am just one update away from moving on from this easy as 1,2,3 stuff !!