Hi. I have the ASI2600MC Air on a Celestron AVX mount. Before the firmware update, it functioned well, no issues tracking, etc. After the firmware update the ASI2600MC Air has trouble rotating / moving the mount. Example, when polar alignment after the first plate solve and the mount rotates 60 degrees, the mount will slow/almost stop during the middle of the rotation for about 10 seconds then resume at normal speed to the 2nd position. ASI PA returns an error stating the mount stopped and I need to PA again. It does this regardless of what I do (start the PA from center position, start from 45 degrees to the right or left, etc..). I have checked all of my cables and the mount is connected in the ASI air. Nothing changed on my mount, no software / firmware updates/changes. This needs to be fixed as that mount is now useless with any ZWO ASI controlled equipment.
As a final comment, this camera/ASI combo works fine on my AM3 mount.