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Explore the Universe with Seestar
Seestar v2.4 has been released!
Can you save files to a Flashdrive or memory stick?
v2.4 location issue while running plan if walking away from seestar device
Weird artifacts always appear on my image
Framing size
S50 Theft
eq mode - deviation check
Demonstration mode seestar 50s
Add custom object to plan
Please change focusing back!
? Zwo EQ mount add on for Seestar S50
EQ mode reporting star trails and rejecting all subs
capturing satellite trails
Seestar S50 issue
SeeStar S50 App - 'not logged in' details regarding other owners.
Seestar S50 won't move.
EQ easy tutorial
Can not find the sun
Problem with v2.4 Auto Focus
Russian language
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