I gave up - I downgraded to 2.1.5 and 11.0x. Everything is working again without any problems !
Killed the automatic upgrade in Android as well.
ASIAIR v2.2.2 has been released!
Corsair Hi Corsair, I typically use my Samsung Galaxy Tablet A... However I will from time to time use my iPhone 12. Since I have been here in Florida due to the high humidity during the Summer and most of the Fall seasons I have only recently been able to start imaging again now that we are getting some perfectly clear and dry nights. Tonight and tomorrow night look like they will be perfect for imaging. I will try using my iPhone to see if that makes any difference.
What really bugs me about the Station Mode disconnect issue is that it seems to be so random. I have tried several different ways to connect that way. Both work. I can connect directly from the ASiAir in the yard to my home network. Or I can connect with an extender which I can then locate my Tablet very close to. Both signals show as strong. The image downloads are very fast usually 1.5 to 2.5 mbs.
Of course the WiFi signal coming from the ASIAir never has been anything to brag about. So I'm wondering if the real problem is some greater instability in that signal than in previous releases? With that in mind another possibility I might try would be a direct Ethernet connection between the ASIAir and my extender. I did typically use that method in Connecticut rather than Station Mode because I could plug directly into my home WiFi router. Not so easy here.
GRRRR. it shouldn't have to be this hard!!!!! This hobby is challenging enough. If this keeps up I may go back to playing my guitars :-)
Landy100at I'm a bit computer handicapped this way. But if possible in a few words how did you do that? I am very willing to try. Thanks. Al
- Edited
Landy100at I still run 2.1 - 10.74.
Not to you specifically, but just in general, if you use Android or BlueStacks 5 (which is Android) you can pick and choose the firmware/app version you run.
And always turn off automatic updates of the ASIAIR App (will have to be all apps on iOS/iPadOS) on your device (your device controls this - not ZWO)
See this thread to downgrade using Android:
If you have iOS or iPadOS see this thread:
Hi all,
I have some probem in upgrading my Asiair plus to the next Firmware version.
Everytime I try to update it, after a very fast Firmware transfer, the installation step arrives until 20-25%; after this point it jumps at 83-85% and the installation fails.
It happens using both iPhone or iPad App and didn't happend updating another Asiair plus.
The same thing happens if I try a reset (or restore to a precedent version).
Is there a way to restore the AsiAir OS or verifying if ther is an incomplete update in the emmc? (i.e. due to an alimentation problem).
p.s. there are 4 screenshots of the update sequence.
Corsair Thank you very much. I'm going to try this solution .... when weather will permit it to me.
Fining that after meridian flip the object target is no longer centered. Suggest a setting to recenter target after flip.
maxmarchini you can do this with the ASIAIR indoors, though. Doesn't, and shouldn't, be connected to anything.
Not working. After the on/off process no reset windows appair, but the same update windows and the AA+ doesn't update.
I think there is an os bug but there isn't a resolution (I'm waiting an answer by zwo support from months).
maxmarchini what ASIAIR model do you have again? Pro, mini, plus 32GB, or plus 256GB?
I have been so far one of the lucky ones not having any problems with ASIAIR software. Not any more. Both of my ASIAIRs have problems with tracking, it does not begin to work despite on/off setting. Only reboot helps. So problems is not with my mount, SW EQ6 Pro, but ASIAIR, because problem goes away for a while with rebooting ASIAIR. Problem can re-exist after slewing to new target, but not necessarily. Other, minor, problem is that location information does not sync automatically on boot, and have to be done pushing the button "sync to mount".
So ASIAIR has became unreliable... I hope that new version helps and doesn't introduce any new bugs.
Corsair plus 256GB
While in the field, my friend was having issues with his connectivity. He finally figured out to take the Asiair off of Station Mode while not connecting to it and it fixed his issue.