I use Autorun only for calibration frames, it works fine for me. For actual objects I only use the plan mode.

ASIAIR Beta v2.3 (build 14) has appeared on iOS/iPadOS/macos TestFlight.

Firmware is now 11.43.

I updated the ASIAIR firmware (first gen "Plus" model) using macos TestFlight version, and the Beta app on an 12.9" iPad appears to be connect successfully. Note: for safety, I do not have any USB devices connected whenever I power the ASIAIR hardware up to update firmware (and I never use any of ASIAIR's DC power ports anyway).

Remember: this is Beta; which means don't download unless you are willing to perform Beta tests, and feedback problems and suggest fixes for the bugs.


    I'm assuming you're on Android.

    1. Turn off auto update for the ASIAIR App by going to the Play Store App, go to the page for the ASIAIR App, tap triple dot menu on the top right, and make sure auto update is off.

    2. The App on your device and the firmware on the ASIAIR a matched set. So, you were on 2.1.5-11.08 and, because your App on your device auto updated to 2.2.2, your ASIAIR was updated to 11.30. There's no 2.2.2-11.08 release.

    See the official release log here: https://www.yuque.com/zwopkb/asiair/release-log

    1. The downgrade process can be done by anybody.

    See here for how do do it with Android:

    See here for how to do it with iOS/iPadOS:

    [unknown] I want to point out, that the angle refresh issue is not specific to Android but also to iOS - and STILL exists there (was temporarily solved in intermediate releases though).

    Is anyone else unable to get grid lines on planetarium?

    Also, I am trying to resolve a 'No Response 17' error on my Celestron that began when this upgrade was issues. Folks on Cloudy Nights forum think this is related to a ground loop issue between the Air and the Hand Controller.

      I cant find the flat field auto exposure value copy for taking dark flats. Whats the process to copy the exposure value? Perhaps a future update can include dark flats option based on flats under the autorun?

      Click on exposure Time and on the far left you will see the time of the flats

      CS Sascha

        jgoldsmith from last update I have a lot of problem, my A6000 often don't transfer data to Tablet, the Asiar plus sometimes do restart, and last but not least, go-to does not work!!! I'm sad...

        w7ay : I’m trying the new beta version: WIFI problems have disappeared 👍🏼 The AA hotspot is back, displaying its default name ASIAIR_xxxxxx, or a custom name and password. That's good news.
        The scope is imaging, no problem and the application seems to be much faster when reconnecting to AA.
        To be seen tomorrow morning...

        I like the new “apply” button that lets you adjust an object's FOV in Plan.

          w7ay Any way to manually set a filter name in this beta version?

          • w7ay replied to this.

            wvreeven Any way to manually set a filter name in this beta version?

            Not that I know, Wouter.

            I disconnected the EFW (which of course allows filter names as before), and there is nothing in the Main camera setup re manual filter. The Filter Wheel setup is also non-functional when no filter wheel is connected. AutoRun does not have any Filter setup either.


            Maybe this could help some: I managed to solve the 2.2.2 issues I had by doing the FW reset on my AsiAir mini and changing from iOS to android. I set up an android device with 2.2.1 apk. When starting up it installed the 2.2.1 on the air and it works, I can directly connect wireless again.
            I'll pass on updates in future, be it official beta or inofficial beta (release)

            Excitedly hoping you release a firmware that works. Station mode doesn't work. Same as many others have said. I also can't figure out how to do a full reset of the ASIAIR Mini. I have yet to figure out how to make it forget current settings. It has my wifi password saved and I can't get it to reset.

            I tried back loading 2.2.1 and 2.1.5. Those don't work either. They also don't clear the existing settings for the first station mode wifi AP I set up.

            DrJ it likely is, you need a usb ground loop isolator. They are less than $20

            I found the Android beta release site here.


            Unfortunately, the newest version 2.3_1025 still doesn't fully load when in Station mode.

            I can see the device when scanning. But, the green dot circle spins forever with no results after clicking on connect.

            I don't like that the alternative is to get the more expensive ASIAIR Pro to circumvent bad wifi support.