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ZWO EAF, EFW, Filters, Rings etc..
Fitting 2” filter wheel, EAF and rotator to 9.25” SCT
need advice
V3.3.7 firmware for EAF
EOS flange to M54 interface
ZWO EAF beeping and not moving
EAF in the cold
ZWO EAF looses step number each time i start it
Bought a new ZWO focuser and it behaves erratically. Can't upgrade firmware.
Response time of info@zwoptical.com
EAF doesn't remember it's position after power off
EAF "forgetting" position
EFW Power Surge Cross posted from Cameras
EAF Error: range < 900 steps
L-Optolong enhancing filter
Faulty usb board in 5 position 2” efw
cannot remove EAF from telescope
EAF Max Steps
Zwo 8Pos filter wheel goes to wrong filters
EAF for Celestron 9.25 SCT
EAF on SCT - Another suggestion
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